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Miami's Choice for Criminal Defense 305-400-0074

In order to pull over a motorist for suspected DUI in Florida, the police must have reasonable suspicion that the driver is committing, has committed, or is about to commit a crime in order to make the traffic stop.  

One of the most obvious ways to get pulled over by law enforcement is committing a traffic violation, such as the following: 

  • Speeding or driving too slowly for traffic conditions 

  • Running traffic signals and stop signs 

  • Failing to use turn signals 

  • Tailgating 

  • Driving the wrong way on a one-way street 

  • Driving with expired license plate decals 

  • Driving without headlights on 

On the other hand, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has provided law enforcement departments throughout the country with more than 100 visual cues for spotting drunk drivers, such as: 

  • Swerving, weaving, or otherwise failing to stay within a driving lane on the road 

  • Making quick and jerky stops, driving at various speeds, and other speed and braking issues 

  • Delayed responses to traffic signals, using the wrong turn signal when changing lanes or making turns, and other vigilance issues 

  • Making unsafe lane changes, driving off the road, and other judgment difficulties 

After being stopped by a police officer, the following are the common signs of driver intoxication: 

  • The smell of alcohol or drugs on the driver or inside the vehicle 

  • Slurred speech 

  • Red or bloodshot eyes 

  • Delayed responses 

  • Poor motor skills 

Such observations are enough to establish probable cause and make a legal DUI arrest. 

If you or a loved one has been arrested for drunk or drugged driving in Miami, contact the Law Office of Armando J. Hernandez, P.A. today at (305) 400-0074 for a free initial consultation. 

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